Who cheats more men or women 2024? Do men stray more than women or is it the opposite? After all, is infidelity a masculine or feminine trait?
Many studies have explored the phenomenon of cheating which has existed almost from the time relationships started forming on this planet.
Have they come to a point, though? This article sheds light on the statistics behind this torturing question. It gives plenty of insights into the causes of cheating and some valuable tips on how to “read” its signs, expose a cheater, and deal successfully with this mishap. If you want to know how to catch a cheater, keep an eye on their social media activity.
Main Cheating Statistics 2024 - Who Cheats More?
In 2024, latest infidelity data shows trends. Who cheats more? Men or women? Here are key stats and insights.
- Approximately 20% of married men and 13% of married women reported having cheated on their spouse at some point in their relationship.
- 45% of men have engaged in emotional affairs, compared to 35% of women. This indicates that while men may cheat physically more often, women are increasingly involved in emotional infidelity.
- Among younger adults (ages 18-29), women are slightly more likely to cheat than men, with rates of 11% for women and 10% for men. However, this trend reverses in older age groups, with men showing higher rates of infidelity as they age.
- Women’s infidelity rates have increased by 40% since 1990, indicating a significant shift in behavior over the decades.
- Research shows that dissatisfaction in relationships is a major factor leading to infidelity. Poor communication and unmet emotional needs often drive individuals to seek connections outside their primary relationship.
- Infidelity is cited as a cause in 57% of divorces, highlighting its serious impact on marital stability[1].
Men often cheat more, but women's infidelity rates are going up, especially in emotional areas. Knowing these trends is important. It can help us understand relationship problems and what causes cheating. Keep reading to learn more. Discovering whether someone is on dating sites can be a tricky task. But don't worry, we'll show you how.
Part 1. What do global cheating statistics for 2024 show?
But before examining what the numbers say, it should be stated that accurate and reliable cheating statistics are scarce because a limited number of people participate in such surveys, according to a 2010 research article.
Given that, statistics tend to reveal that men predominate over women in cheating. 20% of them have admitted straying versus 13% of women in a survey conducted in America during 2010-2016 by the Institute of Family Studies.
The masculine rates remain higher overall, although infidelity rates in women have increased as time has gone by. In 2022, for instance, Statista reported that 38% of French women have cheated on their mate (a surprising rise from 10% since 1970).
With the changing chances of men and women cheating these days, married dating sites have become a controversial topic among the wide variety of online dating options.
Part 2. Who cheats more by age group?
However, what happens when we break down the research results per age group? Do men or women cheat more in each decade of their lives? The same survey has revealed that 11% of married women aged 18-29 admitted to having an affair versus 10% of men of the same age group. But as they age, the numbers shift.
During their 30’s, 14% of men who participated in the survey reported cheating contrary to 11% of women. Men’s infidelity rate was even higher during their 60s (24%) and 70s (26%) while women’s rate although higher during their 60s (16%) decreased during their 70s (13%) and even less in their 80s (just 6%).
Part 3. How has cheating changed over time?
Back in the 90s, men used to also hold infidelity reigns presenting the highest rate in their 50s (31%) contrary to women who peaked in extramarital affairs during their 40s (18%). Later on, throughout the millennium's first decade, men in their 60s presented higher adultery rates (rising to 29%) while women were more prone to cheating in their 50s (17%). Times change after all.
In 2020, IFS released an updated report stating that 20% of men have admitted to cheating, and only 10% of women reported having an affair. With no further breakdown of each age group, the report showed that ages 18-34 and 65+ of both men and women have the same infidelity rate of 16%.
Part 4. Which country has more cheaters?
In which country can you find the most cheaters? What does the data show? Well, according to a 2016 survey by Durex, Thailand was the most unfaithful country with more than half of Thai participants admitting to an affair.
After Thailand, many European countries follow, with Denmark ranking as the second most unfaithful country with 46% of admitted cheaters. Italy, Germany, and France hold approximately the same percentage, close to 45% while the US population seems to be the most faithful when it comes to marriages and long-term relationships. More than 80% of Americans deny cheating and think it’s immoral.
Australia on the other hand, seems to share similar scores. One article suggests that around 45% of men and 35% of women have admitted to cheating while in a relationship. Infidelity is found in every nation and every culture, unfortunately.
Part 5. Who cheats more by profession?
Data presents that around 60% of all affairs begin within a workplace context. Which makes sense, considering the time spent each day at work and the connections built there unavoidably.
However, which professions are more inclined to cheat? Mostly those that are found high in the hierarchy ladder. A 2011 study has shown that people who hold positions of power are more likely to cheat, regardless of their gender. A more recent study of 2015 in the Journal of Sex Research, came up with similar results. Something in power triggers infidelity tendencies. Almost 40% of participants in top management positions admitted to cheating compared to only 9% of ones with non-management roles.
It’s not only executives and politicians though. People who work in the medical field, especially women (23%) showed significant straying rates according to a 2018 survey. The education and entrepreneurship fields also attract cheaters, women cheaters mostly (12% and 11%, respectively) contrary to law and arts, which attract less than 5% of men and women. At the same time, men in trade hit around 29% in infidelity, while IT and entrepreneurship reached 12% and 11% respectively.
Part 6. Is there more infidelity in marriage?
Marriage, the battlefield of adultery, has some interesting research data to reveal too. According to the 2020 Relish Relationship Report around 26% of participants have experienced at some point adultery in their marriage, either emotional (23%), physical (21%), or both (55%).
Part 7. Why do people cheat in relationships
A tendency to dishonesty and cheating is innate in all humans. However, the act of straying and being unfaithful to your partner boils down to being a conscious choice, whatsoever. But do both genders cheat for the same reasons? Why do men cheat and why do women cheat? Let’s explore this side of the story a bit.
7.1. Why do men cheat
Most people have a preconceived notion about male cheating, thinking that all men cheat. This is because men are more sensitive to sexual satisfaction and the thrill that comes with it. The hunter’s element is not ever eliminated even when married. In fact, around 44% of married men cheat their spouses out of mere sexual satisfaction and increased sexual appetite.
Of course, there are other reasons too. Apart from character traits (like narcissistic ones), low self-esteem issues hide behind 25% of male cheaters. An affair can offer a quick fix in men’s confidence.
Another reason, considered to be culpable for cheating husbands is the pregnancy period of their women. As heart-aching as it may be, up to 10% of paternal partners seem to stray during this vulnerable period.
7.2. Why do women cheat
Women, on the other hand, cheat mostly for emotional reasons. Not having their needs met, and feeling neglected, criticized, or disrespected often leads them to extramarital partners. Around 40% of women stray due to emotional reasons. It’s a means to receive attention and feel desired and see if they still “have it”.
Of course, some of them (11%) do it out of revenge for a cheating or indifferent husband. A pretty emotional reason too if you think about it. Or they may suffer feelings of low self-esteem regardless of the relationship characteristics. Data shows that at least 35% of those women engage in cheating acts.
Although more and more women now are financially independent, there still remains a portion of women who are dependent on their spouses one way or the other. This dependency can push them to infidelity though the numbers are low (only 5% based on an American Sociological Department review).
When it comes to who is more likely to cheat, men or women? It's a complicated question. If you're concerned about possible infidelity in your relationship and want to know how to catch a cheating girlfriend. You can read this blog.
Part 8. What are the signs of cheating in men and women
Infidelity is cultivated in secrecy for one thing. However, it always leaves a bunch of subtle signs that a careful eye can detect and expose the cheating regardless of the cheater’s gender. So, now that you know who cheats more men or women, you can get a list of the most frequent traces of infidelity and brace yourself for the worst.
- Abrupt and unexplained periods of your mate leaving home.
- Increased privacy around using their phone or laptop (avoid talking in front of you, changing passwords, etc.).
- Increased flattery and gift-giving without a reason.
- Change of wardrobe or excessive focus on physical appearance and diet.
- Withdrawal from the bedroom and other intimate moments with you.
- Increased fault-finding and criticizing you or facets of your relationship.
- A sudden swift in habits, hobbies, or schedule at work (a new song in a loop, frequent business trips, etc.).
- Financial transactions or credit card charges without a clear cause or explanation (e.g. love-affair presents).
- Shifts in the mood like happy before leaving home, broody when returning, or irritated when answering your call after 10 missed calls.
If you're curious about how to expose a cheater, there are effective ways to uncover the truth and protect yourself from betrayal.
Despite all the precautionary measures the cheater takes, the truth has always a way of showing up. So, look carefully, be aware, and try to avoid denial.
Part 9. What is the impact of cheating
When getting into the impact of cheating the question “who cheats more men or women” becomes pointless. Adultery doesn’t only leave scars on the psyche of the betrayed (whichever their gender) but leads to a handful of other consequences.
Here are the most important of them:
- Divorce. The first and the most crucial result by far is the divorce. Most marriages and long-term relationships end after an adultery incident, although around 60% of cheaters don’t plan to get a divorce when straying. The breach of trust, however, is so severe that is difficult to restore and up to 40% of those marriages don’t avoid divorce. Unfortunately.
- Infidelity PTSD. Cheating is a traumatizing experience. And as such, it can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A psychological state that involves pain, flashbacks, avoidance tendencies, and depression. This trauma may also affect future emotions, such as distrust of future partners, dreams about cheating, etc.
- Depression. Which brings us to the next consequence: depression. Whether men or women cheat more doesn’t really matter. Because both genders can swirl into depression after cheating. Isolation, relationship anxiety, and reluctance to create or seek positive experiences and connections accompany depressive feelings.
- Impact on children. Whether you choose to give your marriage a second chance or split parts, your children will be affected, one way or the other. Kids are emotional sponges and understand all the undercurrents of their parents’ relationship. Adjusting to new norms and conditions can be confusing to them, not to mention the extra emotional support they need.
- Transitional stages. After adultery, you may abstain from sex and intimate moments with your partner or another mate along the way. This is quite an expected impact and you must give it time until things get better.
- Broken image. Despite today’s society's evolving values and principles, adultery remains a condemning act. Cheaters lose face and may be criticized severely by their social circle.
After discussing different aspects of a healthy relationship, it's time to turn our attention to free accountability apps for couples.
Part 10. How to catch a cheater
Since time immemorial, people who cheat usually don't admit to cheating unless you have ample proof. So in order to catch your cheating partner, the most important thing you need is to get the evidence of his cheating. If the cheating is going on in the partner cheating app, I suggest you to use stealth monitoring software to secretly monitor your partner's online activities.
Because monitoring software like SpyPhone can help you to view your partner's online chatting history, exchange text messages and so on. In addition, its GPS feature can track your partner's location in real time. If your partner meets with his lover in real life, you can get his location at any time and catch him on the spot.
10.1. How to catch your cheating spouse using SpyPhone
For using SpyPhone, you can not worry about being found by your spouse at all, because SpyPhone is not like other monitoring software that you have to download the app on the target device (you know, downloading the app may be detected by your partner). Follow the simple steps guide below to realize the monitoring freedom.
1. Go to the SpyPhone official website, enter a valid email, and set your unique password to complete the signup.
2. Choose your partner's device type (Android or iOS), and bind it.
3. Enter the dashboard and wait for the data sync, you can view all the data after the sync is completed.
10.2. What important data SpyPhone can help you see
- Social Media online activity: view online activity on 10+ mainstream social apps, like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. See if your partner is flirting with beautiful women/handsome men on such apps.
- SMS notifications: SpyPhone tracks all incoming and outgoing text messages, so if your partner has any "invisible" card spending notifications sent to SMS, then you'll know (even if he deletes everything).
- Real-time location: Know your partner's real-time whereabouts, SpyPhone will form an activity footprint, you can trace where he has been in the past.
Part 11. How to stop overthinking after being cheated on
There is no doubt that adultery is one of the most painful experiences. Being cheated on shutters the trust in your partner completely (and most of the time irreversibly) and undermines your self-esteem. However, life must go on, and dealing with what happened to you should be your priority. Overthinking it and sinking into depression and self-destructive habits will only retard your progress in life. Especially when children are involved.
So, here are some helpful tips on how to stop overthinking after being cheated on and pull yourself together:
- Take some time to gather your pieces. It’s vital to not engage in reactive behaviors enmeshed with rage or revenge. Instead, take some time alone to fully experience your feelings, decide on your next steps, and regain control of yourself.
- Talk to a confidant. A close friend or relative can help you vent and offer you emotional support. Avoid involving your kids in the situation or start spreading the news to everyone you know. Keep your matters private.
- Confront the cheater. Once you re-establish your self-control, you can confront your cheating spouse. Have an open conversation with them to find out the motives for their behavior and understand if there is room for reconnecting.
- Choose therapy. Either individual or couple. Ask for professional help. It will not only help you focus on dealing with the important facets of the matter but also guide you to healing and restoring the relationship if that’s what you (both) want.
- Take up a new hobby. Although it may sound difficult at first, it will help you take your mind off this devastating situation. Starting yoga, signing in for a cooking class, or engaging in some charity work will allow you to stay busy and agile. Even a new haircut will do the work.
- Most importantly: don’t blame yourself. By all means, avoid criticizing yourself and putting the blame on you. You are not the culprit.
In our previous discussion about relationship trust, we touched on the curiosity of seeing who your girlfriend is texting. If you want to know more about how to stop cheating and fix relationships, you can subscribe to us.
Part 12. FAQs
Q1. Is cheating a sin?
Cheating is generally considered a sin in many religious and ethical systems. It typically involves dishonesty, deception, and unfair advantage, all contrary to principles of integrity, fairness, and respect for others.
However, even if not examined under the religious microscope, cheating still refers to moral wrongdoing because, in the end, it undermines trust and integrity in relationships and society which are their core healthy pillars. For approximately 80% of Americans, cheating is an immoral act according to a survey.
Q2. What percentage of cheating couples cheat again?
Once a cheater always a cheater? Well, several studies suggest that people who have cheated once tend to be a serial cheater. According to a 2017 research published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, individuals who cheated in their first relationship were three times more likely to cheat in their next relationship compared to those who had never cheated.
However, the answer to this question depends on a variety of reasons. These mostly have to do with how much effort one is willing to put into dealing with personal and relationship issues and committing to change.
Q3. Is sexting cheating?
Although sexting doesn’t involve direct physical intimacy, it is considered cheating in most contexts. Sexting involves sharing intimate photos, videos, and erotic language. Most people will opt for WhatsApp sexting or Snapchat sexting. This secretive behavior is deceptive and destroys the trust that has been built between partners.
However, the perception of sexting as cheating ultimately depends on the specific dynamics and agreements within the relationship, as well as individual and cultural perspectives. And although rare, some couples who have agreed on an open marriage may have no problem with their partner doing it.
Part 13. Final thoughts
Cheating is almost inherent in human behavior. In committed relationships like marriages, it shows up as infidelity. However, do men or women cheat more? Studies show it is a men’s privilege, but the opposite can also exist especially in specific age groups. In our complex gender relationships, we inevitably come to the topic of ‘why women cheat’.
Both genders stray, for different reasons, though, and both suffer the consequences. Detecting the signs of cheating no matter who cheats more men or women is vital because it can lead to exposing the cheater and deciding how to cope with it. Whatever the case, knowing the facts about infidelity and some “sneaky” yet powerful ways to uncover it can be an asset to you. So, why not use it?