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How to Track an Instagram Account? 5 Proven Ways

Theo Lucin

Ever wondered whose profiles your husband is scrolling through on Instagram? Or whose stories he watches? And does he chat with other people on the platform? And what is he chatting about?

Well, you're not alone! Instagram has millions of users worldwide and is one of the most popular platforms for connecting with others online. Connecting, though, may not always mean innocently - if you get the point. 

Woman holding cell phone to track Instagram account

So, is there a way to untie your hands? To put it in another way, is there an answer to “how to track an Instagram account?”. And without being a specialized hacker? To be honest, yes! And not just one. 

In this guide, you’ll find five proven methods to track Instagram accounts effectively. So, grab a paper and a pen and keep notes.

How to Track Who Owns an Instagram Account?

Taking things from the beginning, let’s first see how to find out who owns an Instagram account. If you are already familiar with INS, you’ve probably wondered who is behind some accounts. And if your husband is one of them.


People interacting on Instagram via their phones

Or whether someone has more than one account, one which is official and others, you can’t really link them to their real owners due to a lack of clues.


So, how to track people on Instagram? Let’s find out: 


Method #1. Find Someone’s Instagram via Instagram Account Tracker


Ever heard of Instagram account trackers? These are special apps created to provide access to someone else’s social media platform activity, like Instagram.


Their basic trait is that they work behind the scenes to monitor a targeted device and its user’s activity on it. SpyPhone Instagram Account Tracker is one of them. 


What is Spyphone? 

To put it in simple terms, SpyPhone is a high-tech spy app designed to monitor someone’s phone activity to unveil cheating behavior. This includes checking on someone’s Instagram account, too, among many other things. 


Although it can be used for many reasons, SpyPhone is particularly purposed for catching a cheater. Its greatest advantage - although it has more than a few, is that it’s easy to install and use it.  

Screenshot of SpyPhone homepage

Here is how SpyPhone works for you:


  • Step 1: First, you create an account by visiting the SpyPhone homepage. You’ll only need your (valid) email and a password to insert them on the app’s landing page. 
Sign up for Spyphone for free


  • Step 2: Then, you choose the device you want to monitor. It can be either an iOS or Android mobile phone. SpyPhone makes no exceptions. It’s suitable for all types of devices.
Choose the device


  • Step 3: Finally, you start monitoring your spouse’s Instagram account. Before saying 1-2-3, you get full access to your husband’s phone. Who needs a detective, after all? 


Spyphone monitoring function demo

In a nutshell, SpyPhone provides you with the simplest and most effective way to control your husband’s messaging activity on INS, which may imply infidelity.


Let’s explore some other ways, also.


Method #2. Analyze Instagram Profile Information

This is the ordinary method most of us resort to when trying to track Instagram accounts. 

If you are not familiar with the habit, here is how you do it: 

  • Step 1: Log in to your INS account.
  • Step 2: Find the “unknown” profile you want to investigate. 
  • Step 3: Click on their profile.
  • Step 4: See their public info on it. This includes their bio, profile picture, following, and followers list. Everything visible.
Analyze Instagram Profile Information

This method will give you - hopefully, some hints about the owner's identity, interests, or location. For instance, if you have mutual contacts and the nature of them. Maybe you can detect some of your husband’s colleagues in the followers/following count. Whatever the case, you get the point.

If you are lucky enough, you’ll guess who is behind the account. Let’s hope it is not your husband. Because that will be sort of suspicious in itself.

However, if their account is private, then you have to click on the “Following” button and wait until the other party accepts your request. If yes, you go to the step-by-step guide mentioned above. If not, your access to info is restricted. Good luck in that case.

The disadvantage of this method is that it only gives you partial info about the owner of the account and you have to connect the dots yourself. The result of the investigation is abmigious in this case.


Method #3. Check Instagram Posts and Captions

Whether their profile is public or they have accepted your request and allowed you to follow them, the next method is to check their Instagram posts and captions. 


Posts can be either stories - which disappear 24 hours after upload, or photos pinned on their wall. These often come with captions. 


A caption is the text you include alongside your photo, video, or other post on Instagram. It can be a short or long description, comment, or message that helps provide context, share thoughts, or enhance the visual content. 

Check Instagram Posts and Captions


Captions often include hashtags (#), mentions (@), and emojis to make the post more engaging and discoverable. 


Checking on someone’s posts and captions frequently and carefully can help you gain insight into details that may reveal the owner’s identity. Like location or reference to other users (tagging). Like their habits or preferences. Like their profession or outings, to name but a few. 


Pretty useful and low-key. It’s good to know, though - if you’re not already aware of it, that when you watch a story on INS, the other party will see it. So, you can’t go under the radar with that one.


Here is how you do it:

  • Step 1: Visit the profile you want.
  • Step 2: Click on their profile picture to watch their story. If they have uploaded one, their profile picture will have a red circle around it. If not, or if you’ve already watched their stories, the circle will be grey. 
  • Step 3: To see their photos, check their photo wall. 
  • Step 4: Click on each photo to reveal its caption. 
  • Step 5: Look carefully! And take notes if necessary to connect the dots with other uploads.

The basic con of this method is that you have to be alert all the time to watch the new content while having the risk of being noticed and thus blocked from the user.


Method #4. Look for Interactions on INS

The fourth method to track people on Instagram is to search for interactions on INS. This means looking for things like comments, likes, and followers on someone’s Instagram account. 


This kind of clue may, more often than not, reveal the identity of the owner of an INS account, especially if you already know the person in person.


Who has commented on their posts? What is the nature of the comments? Humorous? Insinuating? Flirtatious? Who liked their posts? Are they a frequent admirer? You get the point.


Here is the way to use this method: 


  • Step 1: Visit the targeted profile.
  • Step 2: Click on a post.
  • Step 3: See the like count. You can explore the users who liked it.
  • Step 4: Explore the comments in the comment section below the post. Watch for interactions and comment exchanging. 
  • Step 5: Go to the followers list to check out other users’ profiles to detect if the person you are searching for has interacted with them on their wall. 

While this method can give you some results, it’s more time-consuming and of course, it requires manual effort.


Method #5. Use Reverse Image Search to Track an Instagram Account

Using reverse image search is another way to answer the “How to track an Instagram account” question. It can help you identify where else an image has been used online, including potentially finding the Instagram profile associated with it. 


Here's how you can use this method:


1. Save the Image

  • First, download or save the image from the Instagram account or profile you're trying to track. Take a screenshot if you can’t download the image directly.

2. Use Google Images

  • Go to Google Images
  • Click the camera icon in the search bar to upload the image or paste the URL of the image.
  • Once you upload the image, Google will search the web to find similar images or the exact same image on different websites.

3. Check the Results

  • Websites or social media profiles where the image has been used will appear in the results.
  • Look for Instagram profiles or any linked social media accounts in the search results. You may find the same image on other platforms, blogs, or forums that could give you more clues about the person or account behind it.


Pro Tip: Alternative Reverse Image Tools

You can also use reverse image search engines like: 

  • TinEye: It works similarly and may find images that Google misses.
  • Bing Visual Search: It provides another option for tracking an image across the web.


5. Identify Patterns

  • If you find the same image linked to multiple profiles, you might discover more information about the person, such as other social media accounts, websites, or blogs they manage. And maybe deduce if they are the same person or a scam.


This method can provide you with some hints, but its main disadvantage is that the pictures you discover may be fake and may not represent the true profile owner, leading you to false assumptions.


Apart from method #1, the rest of the methods have two things in common: they require time, effort, and close attention while not providing concrete and precise proof. They can only give you hints. If luck is on your side, they may reveal the owner’s identity. If not, you’ll just keep searching and wondering.


Contrary to methods 2-5, SpyPhone is the only way to give you reliable results quickly and easily. And cost-free. 


How to Spot a Fake Instagram Account?

Instagram today has more than a billion users per month. However, not all of them are real. Despite the platform’s efforts to eliminate fake accounts. So, how do you spot a fake Instagram account in this billion-user-mesh?


Here are some helpful tips: 


  • Tip #1: Use the 'About This Account' INS Feature: Check details like the account's country of origin, username history, and creation date. Inconsistencies here are equal to red flags.
  • Tip #2: Look for Inconsistent Content: If the profile claims to be, let’s say, a beauty blogger but lacks relevant posts, uses irrelevant hashtags, or has low engagement, it may be fake.
  • Tip #3: Watch Out for Spammy DMs: Fake accounts often send impersonal, too-good-to-be-true messages or include phishing links. At all costs, avoid interacting with them.
  • Tip #4: Check the Follower-to-Following Ratio: Fake accounts tend to follow many accounts but have very few followers themselves. Look for an unbalanced follower ratio.
  • Tip #5: Watch Out for Weird Usernames: You know, usernames of letters in random order or with bizarre spelling mistakes that don’t fit the user’s name. 


How to Find the Email Behind a Fake Instagram Account?

Finding the email behind a fake Instagram account is more challenging than a pie because Instagram doesn't publicly display email addresses for privacy reasons. 


However, you can try out the following methods:


  1. Check the Profile Bio. Even fake accounts sometimes include email details.
  2. Use Instagram's Contact Button. This usually shows up in business accounts (even fake ones). Instagram includes a contact button on the profile that reveals the email address.
  3. Use Reverse Email Lookup Tools. Take the username (if you have it) and use it on reverse lookup services to search for any associated emails.
  4. Check Linked Social Media. Fake accounts sometimes link to other social media profiles, where the email might be visible. Search. 


Track the IP Address of a Fake Instagram Account

Here is the way to do it, but the truth is that it is not very effective: 


  1. Persuading the User: To obtain an IP address, you'll need to use social engineering to convince the person to click on a link that leads to an IP tracking website, like WhatIsMyIPAddress. The user must voluntarily visit this link, though.
  2. Gathering IP Information: The IP tracking tool will capture their IP address once they click the link. This can provide information such as the user’s geolocation (usually accurate within about 50 meters) and the Internet Service Provider (ISP) they use.


This method hardly leads directly to a person to identify them. To achieve this, you may need the police’s help. But you could discover their location and network data.

What Is the Best Way to Track an Instagram Account?

Finally, the verdict is out. How to track people on Instagram? And do it successfully? 


The best way is to use SpyPhone. Among many other things, you’ll get to have an Instagram tracker and an Instagram location tracker. Highly recommended if you suspect your husband is cheating on you. 


Here is what SpyPhone has to offer you overall:


  • Tracking Down Call Logs. All of them. Even the deleted ones.
  • Message Monitoring. SMSs, iMessages, Social Media messages, Viber/WhatsApp messages, etc. 
  • Social Media Platforms Controlling. SpyPhone gives you seamless access to all Social Media activity. Dating apps and dating profiles are included.
  • Media Library Monitoring. Saved photos and videos - even on hidden albums, will be brought to light.
  • Email Monitoring. Same. Nothing remains in the dark. Not even the trashbin emails. 
  • Browsing History Viewing. Bookmarks and erased web pages included.
  • Real-Time Location Detecting. No need for further explanation.  


In particular, and Instagram-related, SpyPhone’s features include: 


  • Tracking Instagram Account Location
  • Checking Your Husband’s Recent Posts and Stories’ Updates
  • Monitoring Their Online Status
  • Seeing their messages on the INS Messaging Board.


But why choose SpyPhone to find out if your husband is cheating on you on Instagram? If its features haven’t already convinced you, take a look at SpyPhones pros:


  • It’s free. Always, regardless of the frequency of use.
  • It’s undetectable. No leaving traces of use, absolute stealth mode.
  • It’s suitable for all types of devices - iOS and Android.
  • It doesn’t require installation.
  • It has a user-friendly interface.
  • It needs only with your email and a password.
  • It offers real-time monitoring.
  • It allows distant monitoring from whichever device you choose (pc, laptop, tablet, phone)


With SpyPhone, “how to find someone’s Instagram” ceases to be a problem. 



  1. How do you Check Someone's Instagram Account Details?

Start by visiting their profile. If the account is public, you can view information such as their bio, username, profile picture, posts, and stories. For private accounts, you'll need to first send a follow request, which must be granted by the account’s owner. 


If you’re on the hunt for more specific details like followers, who they follow, or recent posts, Instagram’s built-in features allow for some level of monitoring. 


  1. Can an Instagram Account be Traced?

To some extent, yes. The platform itself maintains strict privacy rules. However, law enforcement or Instagram’s support team may trace accounts in cases involving harassment or illegal activities. 


Some easier methods exist, too, like analyzing INS profile info or doing a reverse image search, but the most efficient way is to use an Instagram tracker like SpyPhone.


  1. How to Find the Person Behind a Fake Instagram Account?

It’s a rather tricky task, but some strategies indeed exist. You can start by reverse-searching someone’s profile picture using tools like Google Images to see if it’s been used elsewhere. 


You can also investigate their followers, posts, and any linked accounts for clues. If you are being harassed, you can report the account to Instagram’s support team or refer to the police in severe cases. 


  1. How Do You Find Hidden Instagram Profiles?

The ordinary way is by sending a follow request and waiting for the other party to accept it. Until then, you are confined to only accessing their public info, such as their bio, profile picture, and mutual followers, to get an idea of who they are. 


The most progressive - and more effective way is by using a tracker like SpyPhone. SpyPhone can literally bring to light all that is hidden in Instagram. And in some cases, like regarding the viability of your marriage, the end justifies the means. Don’t you agree?  


  1. Is the Spyphone Instagram Tracker Really Work?

Absolutely. What’s most important is that it works for free, has a user-friendly function, is undetectable, and, of course, highly effective!


SpyPhone allows you 24/7 monitoring of your partner’s device once you log in - Instagram tracker feature included. SpyPhone holds the answer to the question, “How to track an Instagram account?”


Bottom Line

Now that you’ve got these five proven ways to track an Instagram account under your belt, staying updated on your mate’s Instagram activity just got a whole lot easier! 


Especially if you are on your way to using SpyPhone, the best tracking app currently for distant, stealth monitoring of someone’s phone and, thus, an INS account. 


So, unlock the spirit of Sherlock Holmes you hide inside you and make sure you keep records of evidence for later use. 

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