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Online Cheating: Signs, How to Catch & What to Do

Theo Lucin

In this online world, online cheating has become a norm. Social media platforms and dating apps have made communication easier and introduced phenomena such as sexting and online affairs. Are you curious about secret dating apps? Here's what you need to know.


This article provides valuable insight into online infidelity. In this digital age, how do we tell the difference between genuine and fake? Where do we go from here when we suspect our significant other of cheating online? Can subtle changes in everyday life eventually erupt into an emotional crisis?


Wife peeks at husband's phone from behind


Part 1. What behaviors are considered online cheating


Before getting into the juicy stuff, let’s first dive into the specific behaviors that are considered online cheating. Here are the most common of them:


  • Sexting: Sexting is the exchange of a not so “innocent” content such as explicit photos and videos, ambiguous text messages, and emails, and erotically charged communication. Although it can be a part of a couple’s intimate moments, sexting may constitute cheating behavior when done with a third party.
  • Using dating apps: More and more dating and hook-up apps pop up daily in the digital world. Signing into those kinds of apps has one scope: meeting new people online and hitting on them.


Wife questions husband's chat history


  • Visiting porn websites: Pornography today has become exceptionally accessible and affordable. Visiting such sites and indulging in pornographic content frequently can also be considered online infidelity.
  • Erasing online traces: Another common form of online cheating is when someone tries to erase whatever digital traces they leave while engaging in one of the above behaviors. Deleting mobile phone records and text messages, using the “incognito” mode when browsing the web, or making up secondary accounts on Social Media platforms are all sides of the same story.


However, why would anyone choose to go that way, and how these acts lead to online affairs? Let’s proceed to the next topic.


Part 2. How do online affairs start and why happen


Often, the initial stages of such behaviors may not have ill intentions behind them. People, often, act out of curiosity without even thinking of straying in the first place. However, an innocent chat with a friend or a coworker, in time, may result in flirting and in the end sexting, not to mention that it can evolve into real intercourse and an emotional relationship down the road.


How do online affairs start


A wish to spice up your sex life by getting ideas from pornography may lead to an addiction of that kind. Soon you may find yourself losing interest in lovemaking with your mate and seeking out more and more time alone to watch pornography.


Wanting to know what your friends find amusing in dating apps can get you tangled in those apps’ net. What if you matched with that girl on Tinder and met for a one-night stand? The list of online cheating can go on and on.


Online affairs start slow but can quickly evolve into something more. Whatever the case, online infidelity despite happening in the virtual world can equally damage the relationship with your significant other.


Part 3. How to find out your partner is cheating online


As we explore the world of online cheating, our blog “How to Catch a Cheating Girlfriend” can offer some strategies if the trust between couples is broken.


If you are observing some peculiar behavior from your partner you may wonder if he remains faithful to you or if he is digitally straying. However, to stop obsessing about it and start moving toward the liberating truth, you could choose one by one the following options. The truth will show up.


Observe partner's recent behavior


Look closely. Raise your awareness. Avoid denial mechanisms like justification. Even the most cautious cheaters leave traces. Below comes a list of the most noticeable signs of cheating that may indicate online infidelity, as well.


Partner's device usage time


  • Your partner spends increased time on their cell phone, tablet, or laptop.
  • They disappear or become unattainable for prolonged time frames without an excuse. Or at least a logical one.
  • They find excuses to use their devices privately. Bring the phone with them in the bathroom for instance.
  • Sleeping patterns change, like going late to bed each night e.g.
  • They become more privacy-conscious. This can mean changing their passwords suddenly, being unwilling to share them, or even presenting a new device that is “only” work-connected.
  • Your lover withdraws from intimate moments with you and becomes emotionally distant and aloof.
  • Their personalities will change and they may become more narcissistic.
  • Your spouse spends or transfers money for unexplained reasons.


Find an opportunity to check his phone


If you detect some weird behavior with one or more of the above characteristics, you can shift to your detective mode and cautiously check out their phone. It’s not an easy task though. But, you know how the saying goes… Where there is a will, there is a way! Online cheating can be traced on the cheater’s phone. So, take into account these tips.


When is the best time to check your lover's phone?


Of course, you can’t just grab their phone at any time and start searching. By no means. The wise thing to do is to pay attention to his unlock password at ordinary times, and then check his phone while he is sleeping, taking a shower, or in the other room.


Wife checks her husband's phone while he sleeps


You can also find a reason to borrow his device and use it for a while. Like you want to purchase something online and you want to use their saved credit card.


There is finally the direct way, though not so recommended. Just tell him up front you want to check his phone. But, this can be risky as it can boomerang to you and be accused that you don’t trust him. Not a good idea.


What needs to be checked?


Now that you have a grip on their device here is what to look for. Because you don’t have all the time in the world. You must focus on specific things to check.


  • First, take a look at the apps they have installed on their phone, and for how long they have been there.
  • Then go on their SMS board, and all the chat apps and Social Media platforms to check their text messages. Continue with their call records and detect the frequency of communication and any unknown contacts.
  • Then check their browsing history along with any multiple social media accounts.
  • Don’t miss glancing at their Social Media follow lists. And cross-check them with their chat and call records.


View social media post


Using SpyPhone for long-term monitoring


However, it’s not always easy to find the right moment to check your partner’s device for online cheating. Not to mention that you have to worry about the risk of being discovered.


This is when another more obscure method comes into the scene. You can use a spy app like the SpyPhone monitoring software. SpyPhone will help you monitor your partner's phone activities for a long time without being caught. Sounds like a win-win scenario, ah? Let’s break down into pieces what SpyPhone can do for you and why you need it:


SpyPhone monitoring software


What can SpyPhone monitor?


SpyPhone can monitor your partner’s device. But what exactly? Well, pretty much everything you need for the job to be done right. Online infidelity ceases to be hidden with SpyPhone. Here is why:


  • SpyPhone can monitor your partner’s incoming and outgoing calls, as well as all their call records. The same goes for their text messages via all means. SMS board, chat apps, Social Media platforms chat rooms (like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Telegram), etc.
  • It can also monitor their browsing history to unveil what sites they have been visiting. Not to mention the installed secret messaging apps they have on the device’s interface.
  • SpyPhone will allow you, on top of everything else, to see if your partner uses multiple accounts/emails to communicate with others. Not to mention that with this spy app, you’ll be able to sneak peek at their following and followers’ lists.


SpyPhone real data presentation


If all of the above doesn’t give you the info and proof you need on any online affairs that may exist on your partner’s side, then nothing will.


Advantages of SpyPhone


The benefits of using SpyPhone can boil down to the following:

  • It gives you seamless access to your partner’s phone.
  • You can monitor their call records, text messaging, and browsing history. You can also intrude into their followers’ list.
  • It’s undetectable. You won’t get noticed and thus, caught.
  • You can use it for as long as you want to. Or until you bump up on evidence.


Advantages of SpyPhone


In a nutshell, SpyPhone has you covered. You can act as a modern Poirot until the crime is revealed. No, isn’t it a precious asset?


Part 4. How to catch a partner in an online affair


How to use SpyPhone to catch a cheater? Does it need to be installed? Does it need to be paid? Is it troublesome to operate? The answer is no. The operation process of SpyPhone is simple, and you can use it to view the first data for free.


  1. First, go to SpyPhone and create an account. You just need to enter your email and set your own password.
  2. Second, select your partner's device model and bind their iCloud account or Google cloud account.
  3. Finally, go to the dashboard and wait for a few minutes for the data to sync. Now you can view your partner's mobile phone data.


How to use SpyPhone to catch a cheater


Part 5. What to do if you find evidence of online cheating


Bingo! You’ve just come across with proof of online cheating. As devastating as it may be, you must brace yourself, get a hold of this proof, and think about your next steps. Here are some practical tips to help you handle online infidelity.


  • Retaining evidence: Regardless of what you are going to do next, the first thing to do is to keep the evidence you discovered. Save it because you will need it later. After the first shock.
  • Listening to your partner's story: You may have a lot of questions to ask your unfaithful spouse, but first listen to what they have to say. Everyone deserves to be heard, no matter how guilty they may be. So, after calming down and regaining your self-control, confront your partner and listen to his story. You deserve it. And so he does.
  • Decide on the future: Online affairs leave deep scars, but life must go on. You must use the time after the cheating disclosure to your benefit. Regardless of your final choice.


If your partner is sincerely remorseful and you decide to give him a second chance, then you need to follow these two crucial steps:


Signs you should reconcile with a cheating partner


  • Rebuild trust: Although difficult in the beginning, you must find the power to forgive your spouse (and yourself) and leave the past behind. Exploring your unmet needs in the relationship (both of you) and sharing them openly will help you make a new start with eyes ahead.
  • Conduct emotional healing: Ask for professional help. Individual or couple therapy can do wonders. So don’t be shy about it, nor succumb to any taboos around this subject.


If your partner is not remorseful, blames you, or has established a solid affair that exceeds the virtual borders then there is only one (painful) path to take.


  • Break up: Separate and split parts for good. Remember though that when one door closes another one opens. Something else awaits you down the road.
  • File divorce proceedings: After breaking up, comes the legal part of the story. The next step is to file for divorce proceedings and handle all the paperwork, or even the trial process. Make sure you find a good lawyer, especially when children and joint assets are involved.


File divorce proceedings


Part 6. FAQs

Q1. What is online cheating called?

Online cheating is often referred to as "digital infidelity" or "online infidelity." These terms involve several forms of unfaithful behavior cultivated and conducted through digital means, such as engaging in intimate conversations, sharing explicit content, or forming emotional connections with someone other than one's official partner via the Internet. It is a phenomenon that has appeared and consequently increased after the massive use of cell phones, Social Media platforms, and dating apps along with global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q2. Is flirting online cheating?

Whether online flirting equals cheating can depend on individual perspectives and the boundaries set and agreed upon within an established relationship. Some people view online flirting as harmless fun, while others see it as a breach of trust and a form of emotional infidelity. It all comes down to the obscurity levels within this habit takes place and whether respect for your partner and your relationship is taken into account.

Q3. How long do online affairs last?

The duration of online affairs can vary widely, often depending on the individuals involved and the nature of the relationship. They can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term, since factors like the level of emotional involvement, the ability to maintain secrecy, and the personal circumstances of those involved influence their longevity.

Short-term online affairs may last a few days to a few months. The excitement can wear off quickly, especially if the relationship is based primarily on fantasy. Medium-term online affairs can continue for several months to a year. These relationships might develop deeper emotional connections but can still face challenges due to the lack of physical presence and potential discovery by partners.

And there are long-term online affairs also. These may last several years, especially if both parties find fulfillment in the relationship and manage to keep it secret. They often involve significant emotional investment and can sometimes transform into real-life encounters.


Part 7. Conclusion


Online cheating has increased basically because of the substantial use of cell phones and Social Media platforms. Sexting and using dating apps are considered by the majority of people as acts of pure infidelity. Although opinions may vary on that, many online affairs show up this way and damage established relationships.


Finding out if your partner is virtually cheating on you is vital not only for your bond but for your sanity too. Using SpyPhone or one of the other techniques mentioned above, will provide you with the needed evidence, reveal the truth, and help you go on with your life. So, take a deep breath and start investigating.




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