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How to catch a cheater that deletes everything: A step-by-step-guide

Lily Clark

Catching a cheater in the act is never easy, especially when they're savvy enough to delete all traces of their misdeeds. But fear not – we're here to support you every step of the way! If your gut is screaming that something’s off and your partner’s phone is mysteriously clean, it’s time to dig deeper.


This guide will show you exactly how to catch a cheater that deletes everything. We'll cover sneaky tactics, high-tech spy apps for couples, and smart strategies to help you uncover the truth. Ready to become a detective in your own love life? Let’s dive in!


Part 1. Red flags for a cheating partner

Delete device data


The first serious sign is the deletion of device data. Imagine this: your partner’s phone, which used to be filled with messages, photos, and call logs, is suddenly as empty as a desert. If your partner is suddenly and frequently deleting data from their devices, it’s a glaring red flag. Trust your instincts on this one – there’s more than a 50% chance they’re hiding something significant.


Clear history


Most people don't go around erasing their digital history unless they have something to hide. Look out for other clues too. Are they overly protective of their phone, clutching it like a lifeline? Do they flip out if you casually ask to borrow it? These behaviors, combined with an unusually clean digital slate, scream "cheater alert!"


Beyond the obvious sign of deleting device data, there are several other behaviors that may indicate your partner is being unfaithful. Recognizing these red flags early can help you assess the situation and decide on the best course of action.


Secrecy with devices


One of the most telling signs of potential infidelity is sudden secrecy surrounding their devices. If your partner used to leave their phone lying around or openly use their computer but now keeps them close at all times, it could be a cause for concern.


They may guard their devices closely, quickly changing screens or passwords when you approach, or even become defensive if you ask innocuous questions about their digital activity. This behavior suggests they might be hiding something—perhaps conversations, photos, or browsing history they don’t want you to see.


Unexplained absences


Consistently finding excuses for being unreachable or absent without a clear explanation is another red flag. If your partner frequently claims to be working late, going out with friends, or running errands but you can’t reach them or their whereabouts don’t add up, it could indicate they’re spending time with someone else.


Your husband and his female colleague work overtime in the office at night


Pay attention to patterns of behavior that deviate from their usual routine, especially if they seem hesitant to share details or get defensive when questioned about their whereabouts.


Changes in appearance


A sudden change in appearance or grooming habits without a clear reason can also be a sign of infidelity. Your partner might start paying more attention to their looks, investing in new clothes, hitting the gym more frequently, or changing their hairstyle.


While personal growth and self-care are positive, drastic changes without a reasonable explanation may suggest they’re trying to impress someone new. If these changes seem out of character or don’t align with any shared goals or interests, it’s worth noting and considering in the context of other behaviors.


Emotional distance


Emotional intimacy often diminishes when one partner is emotionally invested elsewhere. If your partner becomes emotionally distant, less affectionate, or disinterested in spending quality time together, it could indicate their attention is focused elsewhere.


Young couple lying in bed and ignoring each other


They might withdraw from conversations, avoid discussing deeper topics, or show less interest in your well-being. This emotional disconnection can be a significant indicator of underlying issues in the relationship, including the possibility of infidelity.


But don’t panic just yet. Instead, gear up to gather the evidence. Stay sharp and stay tuned – you’re about to become an expert in catching a cheater who thinks they can outsmart you.


Part 2. How to catch a cheater that deletes everything


So, you’re ready to take on the role of detective and catch a cheater who thinks they can outsmart you by deleting everything. First things first, you need to gather evidence discreetly. It’s not just about finding the truth, but doing so in a way that doesn’t tip off your partner. Here are six powerful methods to help you uncover hidden secrets and confirm your suspicions.


Method 1. Spy apps for secret surveillance


Monitoring software is one of the most effective ways. It allows you to monitor your partner's phone for a long time, because it is not easy to find a reason to check your partner's phone every time. Therefore, using an invisible monitoring app like SpyPhone can help you check your partner's phone anytime and anywhere without being discovered.


SpyPhone mobile tracker


SpyPhone is also a free monitoring app with the following features:

  • Monitor SMS/Email: SpyPhone can monitor the incoming and outgoing messages on target Android/iPhone, including email messages, deleted text messages.
  • Photo and video view: see what photos are stored on your partner's device, what videos have been watched.
  • Track call records: you can know who your spouse is in contact with, view their phone numbers and call duration.
  • Social media messages monitoring: like your spouse's chats records on social apps, your boyfriend's following list on Instagram, your girlfriend's posts on Snapchat and so on.
  • GPS Location: Record the cell phone movement track.
  • Browsing history: see at a glance what websites your boyfriend has visited on the browser.
  • Apps Installation: See what apps are installed on your partner's phone and whether there are secret message apps, such as Tinder, Telegram.
  • Other data: like notes logs, event reminders, internet connections and more.


SpyPhone features



  • Invisible: No need to download any apps, will not be detected.
  • Multifunctional: Able to monitor 30+ types of data, from chat messages to phone numbers records, from location to WiFi connections.
  • Free: Register an account and view the first data for free.
  • No device restrictions: Supports all models of Android and iOS devices.


pros of SpyPhone


How to catch a cheater that deletes everything using SpyPhone

  1. Click to enter the SpyPhone website to register an account.
  2. Select the device type and bind the target device.
  3. Enter the dashboard to view the data.


Method 2. View recently deleted


Think deleted texts and photos are gone forever? Think again! Many cheaters might not know that their “deleted” messages and photos often linger in the “Recently Deleted” folder. This folder is like a digital purgatory where files go before they are permanently erased.


Recently deleted photos



  • Easy Access: This method doesn’t require any special skills or tools.
  • Quick Results: You can quickly see if anything juicy is hiding in the “Recently Deleted” folder.



  • Limited Time Frame: Items in the “Recently Deleted” folder are usually only available for 30 days.
  • Partial Deletion: Your partner might have already permanently deleted the files, making this method useless.


How to See Someone’s Deleted Text Messages

  1. Open the Messages App: Navigate to the Messages app on their device.
  2. Find Recently Deleted: Look for a “Recently Deleted” folder (this may vary depending on the device and operating system).
  3. Recover Files: Check the folder for any messages that might reveal infidelity. If you find anything suspicious, you can recover the messages to use as evidence.


Recently deleted messages


Method 3. Using data recovery tools


If the “Recently Deleted” folder comes up empty, don’t despair. Data recovery tools can be your next best ally. These software applications can retrieve deleted files, messages, phone numbers from phones, computers, and other devices.


Data recovery



  • Deep Recovery: These tools can dig deep and recover files that seem to be permanently deleted.
  • Versatility: They can recover various types of data, including text messages, photos, videos, browser history and more.



  • Cost: High-quality data recovery software often comes with a price tag.
  • Technical Know-How: You might need some tech skills to effectively use these tools.


Popular Data Recovery Software

  • Dr. Fone: A comprehensive tool known for its user-friendly interface and powerful recovery capabilities.
  • Recuva: Offers both free and paid versions, known for its efficiency in recovering a wide range of file types.
  • EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: Highly effective but may require a bit of a learning curve to navigate its advanced features.


Method 4. Keylogger


A keylogger is a stealthy tool that records every keystroke made on a device. This can help you capture emails, messages, and passwords your partner types, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at their digital life.


Keylogger account and passwords



  • Comprehensive Data Collection: Captures all keystrokes, providing a detailed log of your partner’s activities.
  • Undetectable: Many keyloggers operate in the background without the user’s knowledge.



  • Ethical Considerations: Using a keylogger can be seen as a significant invasion of privacy.
  • Legal Issues: Depending on your location, using a keylogger without consent may be illegal.


Method 5. Installing hidden cameras in your home


Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. If your partner’s behavior has been increasingly suspicious, installing hidden cameras around your home can help you gather visual evidence.


Hidden camera



  • Visual Proof: Cameras can capture your partner’s activities in real-time.
  • Deterrent: The presence of cameras (even if hidden) can deter further cheating behavior. Especially for those who like to secretly watch porn sites.



  • Privacy Concerns: This method can significantly invade personal privacy.
  • Cost and Installation: Quality hidden cameras can be expensive and might require professional installation.


Method 6. Hiring a private investigator


When all else fails, hiring a private investigator (PI) can be the most reliable way to catch a cheater. PIs have the skills, experience, and tools to uncover the truth without raising suspicion.


Private investigator



  • Professional Expertise: PIs know the ins and outs of gathering evidence discreetly.
  • Thorough Investigation: They provide comprehensive reports, such as what secret messaging apps are installed on your partner's phone, whether your husband is cheating on WhatsApp, and private investigators may be able to help you investigate.



  • Cost: Hiring a private investigator can be quite expensive.
  • Emotional Toll: The process can be emotionally draining as you await the findings.


Catching a cheater who deletes everything requires a combination of stealth, tech-savviness, and sometimes, professional help. By using methods like viewing recently deleted files, employing data recovery tools, and considering more advanced tactics like keyloggers, monitoring apps and hidden cameras, you can gather the evidence you need. 



Remember, it’s not just about catching them in the act but understanding the full scope of their deception. Stay calm, stay focused, and let the evidence guide you to the truth.


Part 3. What to do when confronted with cheating


So, you’ve gathered the evidence and confirmed your suspicions. Now comes the tough part – confronting your partner. Here’s how to handle it like a pro:


  • Ask tricky questions

Start with some tricky questions to gauge their reactions. Subtlety is key here. Instead of outright accusations, try saying things like, “I noticed you’ve been deleting a lot of messages lately, anything you want to share?” Watch their body language closely. Are they fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or getting defensive? These reactions can be very telling.


Tricky questions to ask partner


  • Show him evidence

If he tries to weasel out or denies everything, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Present the evidence you’ve meticulously gathered. Whether it’s a recovered text message, suspicious photos, or detailed logs from a keylogger, lay it out calmly and clearly. This isn’t about creating drama; it’s about showing that you know the truth.


  • Have an open conversation

Once the evidence is on the table, it’s time for an honest conversation. Ask open-ended questions like, “Why did you feel the need to hide this from me?” or “What’s been going on in our relationship that led you to this point?” This is your chance to get to the root of the problem. Remember, the goal here is to understand the why, not just the what.


  • Consider your relationship

Finally, take a step back and consider your relationship. Is this something you can work through together, or has the trust been irrevocably broken? Think about what you need to feel secure and whether your partner is willing to put in the effort to rebuild that trust. Sometimes, the best move for your own well-being is to walk away and start anew.


different directions of life


Confronting a cheater is never easy, but by staying calm, being prepared, and focusing on honest communication, you can navigate this difficult situation with grace and clarity.


Part 4. FAQs


Q1. How do cheaters hide their texts?

Cheaters often use tactics like deleting messages, using messaging apps with hidden chats, or setting up secret email accounts to communicate under the radar.


Q2. Where do cheaters hide evidence?

Common hiding spots include hidden folders on their devices, cloud storage accounts, or even physical hiding places like drawers or personal belongings.


Q3. How do cheaters act when accused?

Responses vary widely. Some may become defensive, gaslight their partner, or deflect blame. Others may try to cover their tracks further or even admit to their actions depending on their level of guilt.


Q4. How to tell if someone is lying about cheating?

Look for signs like inconsistent stories, sudden changes in behavior or routine, unusual defensiveness, or a lack of eye contact and nervous body language when discussing the topic. Trust your instincts and observe patterns in their behavior for clues.


Part 5. Conclusion


Dealing with suspicions of cheating can be tough, but with the right tools and strategies, finding the truth is possible. From spotting signs like deleted data to using advanced surveillance techniques, this guide on how to catch a cheater that deletes everything has given you the tools to navigate this tricky situation.


Trust your gut, gather evidence discreetly, and approach conversations openly. Whether you aim to rebuild trust or move on, prioritize your emotional health. Facing these challenges head-on empowers you to make decisions that are right for you and your future.

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